Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Thank you for the memories.

You were always nice, caring too.
But it was the sweet little little things that you've done for me,
Which might not seem important to you,
That touched my heart.
You might not even remember those little things,
Or the times we spent together,
But, no matter what,
Those memories will follow me throughout my whole life.

I've shared the memories of the little things & the times with my friends,
They thought you were amazing,
Meche said you were almost perfect.

You were the first guy to share secrets with me
You were the first guy who really cared
You were the first guy treated me as a close friend
You were the first guy to lend a listening ear whenever I'm down
You were the first guy who really listened
You were the first guy who can make me laugh genuinely
You were the first guy who actually made me LIKE studying
You were the first and only guy to encourage me to study hard and not let anything affect my studies
You were the first guy who really cared about my studies
You were the first guy who bothered to actually spend time to explain stuff that I don't understand
You were the first guy who bothered to teach me maths, physics & chemistry
You were the first guy i looked up to academically
You were the first guy to play a song on the guitar for me
You were the first guy who gave me a guitar pick
You were the first guy to share milo, nescafe & red bull in class
You were the first guy to lend me a pullover sweater whenever I'm cold
You were the first guy who asked me if I was going to watch your soccer match
You were the first guy who made me feel special
You were the first guy who made me felt honored
You were the first guy who made such a big impact in my life
You were the first guy who helped groomed my personality and character
You were the guy who made me realise life wasn't that simple - we have to work hard to achieve what we want
You were the first guy who let me take care of you when you sprained your ankle
You were the first guy to give me a pullover

The list just goes on & on......

Needless to say
You are the first guy whom I had the longest crush on
You are also the first guy whom i confessed to having a crush on.

I'm not asking much, just hoping that you're happy in whatever you're doing
Also, to let you know that you've given me wonderful memories,
And you have been a big part of my life.

Looking back, it's been nearly 4 years.
Still, I'll never forgot, or regret crushing on you
Though you handed them to me in a trash bag,
Thank you for the memories that you've left with me.

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