Thursday, October 29, 2009


Gabe Bondoc
AJ Rafael
Cathy Nyugen
Jesse Barrera
Jennifer Chung
Jenny Suk
Andrew Garcia
Kina Grannis
Rebecca Shearing
Carissa Rae
Andrew Rhim
Jasmine Rafael
Alyssa Bernal
Victor Khim

I heart you guys <3

Thank you for the music (:

- Youtube Stars -


Forget about your worries
Don't let them stop the party
Time for us to shout out a cheer

Just forget about your troubles
And set them free like bubbles
Just know that there's nothing to fear


- San Miguel Beer Commercial (Hong Kong) -

Fallin' For You

I am trying not to tell you but I want to
I'm scared of what you'll say
So I'm hiding what I'm feeling but I'm tired of
Holding this inside my head

I've been spending all my time just thinking bout ya
I don't know what to do, I think I'm fallin' for you
I've been waiting all my life and now I find ya
I don't know what to do, I think I'm fallin' for you

Dedicated to someone special (:

- from Colbie Caillat's 'Fallin' For You' -

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Thank you for the memories.

You were always nice, caring too.
But it was the sweet little little things that you've done for me,
Which might not seem important to you,
That touched my heart.
You might not even remember those little things,
Or the times we spent together,
But, no matter what,
Those memories will follow me throughout my whole life.

I've shared the memories of the little things & the times with my friends,
They thought you were amazing,
Meche said you were almost perfect.

You were the first guy to share secrets with me
You were the first guy who really cared
You were the first guy treated me as a close friend
You were the first guy to lend a listening ear whenever I'm down
You were the first guy who really listened
You were the first guy who can make me laugh genuinely
You were the first guy who actually made me LIKE studying
You were the first and only guy to encourage me to study hard and not let anything affect my studies
You were the first guy who really cared about my studies
You were the first guy who bothered to actually spend time to explain stuff that I don't understand
You were the first guy who bothered to teach me maths, physics & chemistry
You were the first guy i looked up to academically
You were the first guy to play a song on the guitar for me
You were the first guy who gave me a guitar pick
You were the first guy to share milo, nescafe & red bull in class
You were the first guy to lend me a pullover sweater whenever I'm cold
You were the first guy who asked me if I was going to watch your soccer match
You were the first guy who made me feel special
You were the first guy who made me felt honored
You were the first guy who made such a big impact in my life
You were the first guy who helped groomed my personality and character
You were the guy who made me realise life wasn't that simple - we have to work hard to achieve what we want
You were the first guy who let me take care of you when you sprained your ankle
You were the first guy to give me a pullover

The list just goes on & on......

Needless to say
You are the first guy whom I had the longest crush on
You are also the first guy whom i confessed to having a crush on.

I'm not asking much, just hoping that you're happy in whatever you're doing
Also, to let you know that you've given me wonderful memories,
And you have been a big part of my life.

Looking back, it's been nearly 4 years.
Still, I'll never forgot, or regret crushing on you
Though you handed them to me in a trash bag,
Thank you for the memories that you've left with me.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Hard Work Do Pay Off

There are times where struggles are inevitable.

There are times where things just don't work out.

Though it's exhausting and brain-consuming,

Just pull it through, because, hard work DO pay off in the end.


Monday, June 1, 2009

The Times That We Had

You walked into my life,
left your handprint,
and just went straight out,
handing me back all the memories we had,
in a
trash bag.

-Contributed by Yishu Long-

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Surfaced Thoughts

Experience, no matter its tough or not, is still priceless.

One can only practice tolerance for a limited amount of time.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Cooking the Turkey



To have friends like you guys.

You are my shelter in the rain,

You are my warmth during winter,

You are my sun among the clouds,

You are my fire in the dark.


Whatever obstacles there might be,

You'll make the day better just by being around.

-Dedicated to my advert group-

Touching Quotes.

Knowing that he's not all that perfect... How would you deal with that?

I just feel that learning about his flaws make me appreciate him even more.

- Anonymous


No matter how she breaks my heart,
I will still love her.

Cause, she's my mother.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

He stared at me with his eyes wide, like I was some freak and said, "You DON'T LIKE fries?"

"Um. I don't because of the salt on them. Too much salt," I responded.

"I like them salty though, it's nice. That's why I love fries," he smiled.

"And oily!" my girl friend, Leah commented as she started pressing one fry on the tray, squeezing out the oil out of the it. It was as if she wanted to squash the life out of the fry for being oily.

He laughed, "But it's fried food, of course it'll be oily!"

"Then you can have them all! I'll just stick to my nuggets..." I chuckled as I push my tray of fries towards him.

He lifted up one of the fries, with his other hand, he took a serviette. He began to gently clean and brush the salt off the fry, making sure that not even one grain of salt remain.

After deciding that the piece of fry was salt-free, he bowed his head down and "served" the fry to me, with his index fingers and thumbs pinching on each side of the it. I was flabbergasted.


No one ever did that for me. It was just a 'I-don't-like-salted-fries' moment, yet, it became a 'clean-the-salt-off-the-fry' moment.

Well, he was a sweet friend, and it was a significant moment for me. (:

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

An Awesome Quote

'The piano is not played with the fingers,
but with the heart...'

- Anonymous

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Beginning Disguised As An End

Stoning motionlessly by the window at night seemed right because the weather felt nice recently - like it used to be. It's been windy, nice, but a little too windy for the norm. The unpredictable weather had been sort of altering my mood, and it's weird what the weather could do to me.

Then it dawned on me, nothing from the present or future could change me more than what he had already done in the past. If anything could influence me again, it would still have to be him. Annoyed by the thought of him having such a strong hold over me, I asked myself what was I waiting for, knowing the day I helplessly waited for would never come. He made a promise, one that broke my heart so bad it would never mend. The thought of him, assuring that I'd never see him again, crossed my mind painfully. Then, something stole my attention, easing the pain that I was feeling.

The wind howled with rage as it furiously swept into my room, throwing pieces of everything everywhere. I was half surprised, half fearful, not knowing what to expect. The wind hadn't behave anything like this for as long as I could remember. It only did when he was around, as though his presence was connected to the wind. I felt as though something was stuck in my throat, making it hard for me to breathe, leaving me gasping for air.

As the fear grew in me, I clutched my torso, trying to steady my breathing. That same feeling was back again , like the other time. Something was wrong.

I Had Always, & I'd

I had always thought the day I see you again,

I'd tell you how much i missed you.

I had always thought the day I look into your eyes again,
I'd know what to say.

I had always thought the day I hear your voice again,
I'd melt like I used to.

I had always thought I knew how much I loved you,
But now, it seemed harder to [know].

I had always thought that I could wait for you,
Though I'd have to do it alone.

I had always thought this love would never end,
And I'd like to let you know.

Cause' you had been in my life,
And had once, touched my soul.

Bauhaus (Ages ago)

The day Bauhaus walked into my life
My hair grew long and it turned white
Here I am struggling like a fly
I swear I'll finish the assignment with all my might

Then, a big hand came swatting at me
I realized it's CHOY KOK KEE!!

- co-authored by Sharifah

Random Poem

My heart no longer beat

My blood no longer flow
And I no longer breathe
Because there wasn't a reason to do so.

The Quote That Broke My Heart

"I would like to ask one favor, though, if that's not too much"
"Don't do anything reckless or stupid. Do you understand what I'm saying?"
I nodded helplessly.
"And I'll make you a promise in return.
I promise that this will be the last time you'll see me..."

- quoted from "New Moon"

Friday, January 16, 2009

The House On The Lonely Hill

I walked all the way home from the shopping mall, enjoying the cool night breeze grazing against my face. There I was, easing my pace in my ever-so-happening life, slowing down the moment just to take in the cool night scene that I think I'll be missing in the future.

When i look back, I want to be able to reminisce the time where i strolled along the dark pavement with strange orange road lights, appreciating the cool breeze that never seemed to be there when I wished it was.

It seemed a long way to be walking back home, but i know in no time, I'll be trudging up to my house, which stands on top of the quiet, lonely hill.

Mother Nature & Jason Mraz

I have been sitting by my bedroom window the whole day, enjoying Mother Nature as she crooned her heart-warming lullaby to me. Gazing outside the window, everything looked so peaceful, as though the dropping of a pin would be frowned upon.

As the birds chattered among themselves, the light breeze blew freely, like a hand brushing against my face ever so smoothly and lightly. As though satisfaction is not gained by enveloping my face, the breeze flowed down to my ankles and swirled around them, tugging lightly.

The combination of Jason Mraz's voice and the tinkling of my curtain of seashells lightened my mood. I actually felt relaxed, for once, from my enervated, ridiculously spiritless lifestyle.